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Our solution with leading-edge medical technologies to successfully facilitate the complex challenges of the healthcare sector and provide seamless healthcare facilities. A cloud-based Medical Information System for both web and mobile-based platforms to deliver public health security with strategies to focus on medications, precise diagnosis, and organized health record management.
Python • Django • KendoUI • Vue.JS • Electron • • WebRTC
Experienced and proficient Python developers at Nakasoft have explored the nitty-gritty of the user's requirements to develop a unified and robust application. This application was developed using an evolutionary approach where initial features of the application were developed and later with time expanded the features with refined development cycles, development feedback until a satisfactory product is developed. Thus, a requirement for utilizing the latest technology emerged which led us to use JavaScript based Vue.JS for our project.
The application adheres to the standards of security and is enabled with Biometrics for users to log in
This feature enables users to add or select disease and get predictions of it. The possibility or prediction of the disease is displayed in percentage format depending on how accurate are the symptoms.
Patients are allowed to use their GPS and search for a doctor or specialist and book an appointment using this application. This app will also notify and send a reminder before an hour before the appointment. Our Blockchain-based system stores and secures the database as a history to patient’s medical records for any future use.
The hospital management system application is designed specifically for three types of users and is intelligently bifurcated for accessibility between
Once the patient arrives at the hospital, they have to check on their confirmation of the appointment with the clerks available. There are multiple clerks available for patient’s convenience.
The clerk has been assigned with two major rights
If the patient is new and has come for the first time then the clerks can assist them with registration for the first time. They can generate a print number after the initial registration process.
If the patient is already registered then the clerk has to validate the details when the patient comes for the first time into the kiosk system. After Validation, they are assigned to the Nurse account’s queue.
After the clerk prints the number, multiple nurses are working in the hospital who are assigned with a list of patients and based on the number of patients in the Nurse queue they are diverted towards the specialists.
In the nurse's system, there will be a patient queue where a list of patients will be displayed as per their appointment numbers. Nurses can click on patients and get all details about the patient profile and the patient’s past visit history. Nurses can capture the patient’s allergies, medical conditions, chronic medication, surgical history, family history, and lifestyle.
The nurse can also check the patient's vitals and add vital information to the patient’s current appointment. Later, the nurse can also assign that patient to the related department’s queue so that doctors of the ward can check the patient on time.
If a patient's health is critical then the Nurse can directly admit the patient to the emergency ward.
Whenever a new doctor registers himself in the application, he has the option to select a list of departments he specializes in. After the selections have opted, the doctors are assigned to these specialized departments. Doctors can select patients from the queue and the assigned but cannot see patients of other doctors in the queue list of the same department.
Doctors have access to all the patient details. They can validate the records stored by the nurse and edit it if required. With an option to re-capture vitals. Doctors can also capture additional patient allergies, medical conditions, chronic medication, surgical history, family history, and lifestyle.
Doctors can do the below actions in the appointment.
Collaboration with Nakasoft, a web development company enabled the client access to benefits such as: