Nakasoft Call Center

Call Center & Help Desk Management Software

Empower your customer support team with the best-in-class call center & help desk software. Nakasoft helps you deliver great customer experiences by integrating call centre and help desk into an easy-to-implement system

Why Nakasoft Call Center & help desk management software

Our software is designed to simplify the work of your help desk and call centre agents, enabling them to manage conversations with customers, prospects or users and solve various complex issues faster than ever.

  • An intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for agents to utilize all the features provided by the system
  • Easily convert call logs, call back requests and emails into tickets
  • Log all the phone conversations between agents and customers with an integrated PBX phone system
  • Reduce the Average Handle Time (AHT) and increase agent productivity with automated workflows
  • Help your agents reach their maximum potential with call monitoring capabilities and customized reporting
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Main Features

Modern UI Dashboard

With a sleek and interactive UI dashboard, your agents will be able to easily manage all the tickets assigned to them. Agents can drag and drop tickets from one funnel to another based on their statuses (e.g. from New to Solved).

Call & Email Management

This feature allows your agents to automatically log calls, chats, emails and callback requests and easily convert them into tickets. Your agents can respond to all the incoming emails directly through the tickets. Thus, Average Handle Time (AHT) becomes shorter and this will greatly impact on customer satisfaction.

Ticket Tracking & Prioritization

Now your agents can easily track and sort tickets by priority. Tickets can be marked according to the priority level that can be figured based on severity of the issue or the time required to complete it.

SLA Management

SLA (Service Level Agreements) Management is built to help you deliver perfect service targets. You can configure it for different agent groups. Create SLA policies on when a ticket should be replied and resolved, so your agents comply with the deadline.

Help Desk Team Management

This feature is intended to automate the distribution of tasks to agents. You can assign tasks to different teams or add more people to the teams based on SLA policies. You can even set unresolved ticket reminders for your agents.

In-Depth Reports Generation

Generate insightful reports on your agent's performance, total number of calls, average speed to answer, average handle time, and any other important elements. Nakasoft reports are configurable and can be displayed in various formats.

Integration with other modules

Optimize the functionality of your Nakasoft Call Centre & Help Desk Management Software by integrating it with other Nakasoft modules.

  • Optimize your call and ticket management with Nakasoft Help Desk & Ticketing
  • Provide more complete and structured customer service with Nakasoft CRM
  • Keep track of your agent's performance, manage their salaries, contracts and leaves with Nakasoft HRM
  • Get more comprehensive details of your sales with the help of Nakasoft Sales & Lead Management


Frequently Asked Questions

Nakasoft softwares are ready-to-use products that are developed by our reliable development and research team. Our softwares are always innovating and following the latest trends, so the systems will always be updated periodically.

Yes, all Nakasoft softwares can be customized according to different business needs. You can add modules that are important to your business operations.

Yes, Nakasoft softwares allow you to grant access to multiple users without disrupting the system performance.

You will not be charged extra for adding the number of users to your softwares.

Yes, Nakasoft softwares are available in mobile versions that can help you automate your business operations more easily.

We provide 3 types of support for you; a project manager to analyze your needs, call hotlines which are available during business hours and portal support that is available 24/7 to ensure your softwares run perfectly.

What our clients said about us

Why Choose Nakasoft?

Using deep domain expertise of our software developers, we create impactful digital solutions that drive meaningful change with a strategic vision.

360o Approach

From ideation to delivery, and ongoing support, we cover the full lifecycle of enterprise application design, integration, and management through our IS360 framework.

Client Centricity

Nakasoft's boutique format allows us to maintain a highly customized approach, build a long-term partnership, and remain focused on specific tasks at hand.

Domain Expertise

We possess exceptional domain expertise and in-depth knowledge of niche technologies: from solution architecture to firefighting projects.

A-Class Team

With over 15 years of experience, we leverage our deep technology knowledge and unparalleled software engineering expertise to ensure digital transformation maturity across the enterprise.